
Opening Hours


7:00 AM to 8:10 AM


2:35 PM to 5:30 PM on regular days

Planning days

An invitation will be sent home for planning days. To reserve a spot, you must register your children on the reservation sheet and return it to the daycare. The rate is determined on that sheet. Additional fees may be required for special activities. If you reserve a spot and your children are absent, you must pay for the day unless you notify the daycare at least one day in advance. Children must bring a complete lunch and two snacks.

It’s important to reserve your spot before the date indicated on the reservation sheet.

Parents’ Responsibilities

– Parents have to pick up their children in time. Anyone arriving after 5:30 p.m. will be charged.

– When parents pick up their children, they must advise the educator and sign the children out.

– No child will be allowed to leave with any person who is not on the registration form unless the daycare has been otherwise notified. These individuals may be asked for identification until they become familiar to the educator.

– Parents are financially responsible for any damage caused by their children.

– The children may play outside every day; please ensure your children are dressed appropriately (gloves, mitts, hats, snowpants…). Our rule is ‘Hats always on and coats done up!’ We will use our judgment if the weather is too warm.

– Parents must inform the daycare of any changes to the registration and medical forms (address, registration days, children’s health…). Parents will always pay for the number of days specified in the contract.

– If someone else is picking up the children, please send a note to inform the daycare.

– Children are not permitted to enter classrooms during daycare hours.

Code of Conduct for Daycare

Minor incidents

  • Non-serious physical contact but inappropriate
  • Poor sportsmanship
  • Small scale stealing 
  • Non-targeted swearing, 
  • Disruptive/refusal to comply/uncooperative 
  • Unsafe play 
  • Instigating 
  • Tech misuse 
  • Leaving class without permission 
  • Inappropriate physical reaction to conflict (Pre-K, K and Grade 1)


1 minor incident report = time out

2 minor incident report = time out and do not return to activity (soccer, sand pit, ect.)

3 minors = a major, called and picked up

Major incidents

  • Calling 911
  • Prolonged unavailability to learn
  • Inappropriate touching, showing, or researching
  • Targeted vulgar language, swearing, or discrimination
  • Leaving school property
  • Damaging school property
  • Spitting at someone
  • Serious theft
  • Threat to harm
  • Physical altercation
  • Unknown whereabouts
  • Repeated Minor Incident


1 major = call and pick up

2 majors = call and pick up + 1 day out

3 majors = call and pick up + 3 days out

4 majors = call and pick up + 5 days out

4+ majors will be determined with principal

Physical Assault

  • Serious fight that has to split up by an adult.
  • Uses a weapon (stick, rock, shovel, ect.)
  • Sexual assault


1 physical assault = Call and pick up + 3 days out

If it recurs, the consequence will be determined by the principal.








